How to Burn Belly Fat VERY Fast 5 Expert Tips

How to Burn Belly Fat VERY Fast 5 Expert Tips

How to Burn Belly Fat VERY Fast 5 Expert Tips

This essay is intended for novices and will cover the fundamentals of burning off belly fat as quickly as possible, but there are certain crucial things you should be aware of.

We’re going to break down the five essential and useful recommendations that you won’t find in books because we’ve developed them through years of experience working with a lot of individuals. I’ll make it really, really easy.

because the amount of information about how to follow the ketogenic diet overwhelms a lot of individuals. It’s too complicated, and then some people just kind of give up,

so let me just tell you the five most important things to focus on so you can be extremely successful right from the start and avoid the situation where many people reach a plateau where they simply can’t seem to get past a certain point.

It’s always very, very important to learn from other people’s mistakes so you don’t have to make them. In this article, I just want you to get the most important things, but let’s start with the most crucial advice.

What is the purpose of keto?

What is the purpose of following a ketogenic diet? Getting your insulin levels as low as feasible is the aim. That’s the objective. You have maximum fat burning and maximum ketosis when your insulin levels are low.

The production of ketones is known as ketosis. Since ketones are a consequence of burning fat, the more ketones you produce, the more fat you will burn and the quicker you will shed your middle.

Keto macros

At the highest level of the ketogenic diet, we have these macros: protein and carbohydrates.

You want to keep your carbs between, say, 30 and 50 grammes, but I’m going to advise you to keep them under 20 grammes, especially if you want to speed things up. You should aim for three to six ounces of protein per meal,

however this will vary based on your age, size, metabolism, and the number of meals you eat. If you are a bodybuilder, you will undoubtedly consume more protein if you only eat one meal a day;

if you exercise frequently, you will require a little bit more,
However, the average individual should only eat meals that have the same amount of protein as the palm of their hand. All right, that’s it.

I want to keep it as basic as possible. You will now be consuming seventy-five percent of your calories from fat.

75 of your calories, what does that mean?

In ounces or grammes, how much is that? I won’t get into the intricacies of measuring grammes to determine your macros in this post, so you’ll know how much fat you’ll need when I go over the advice.



TIP Because leafy green vegetable salads are primarily high in fibre and the insulin response is nearly zero due to the fact that fibre is the only carbohydrate that does not affect insulin,

it will be much easier to consume certain carbohydrates that you do not need to count rather than counting your grammes of carbohydrates. As a matter of fact, I would like you to eat more salad—at least seven cups a day—and it’s not difficult to do so. To make salad easier to eat, we can use a salad cutter.

We actually reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the salad, so we have a bowl of salad, and then we reduce the salad, and then we reduce the salad, and it just makes it smaller and easier to eat.

Therefore, instead of trying to consume too many carbohydrates, just use vegetable carbohydrates, like salad, and don’t even worry about counting your carbs.

You can also add other items to it, like

feta cheese

olive oil


and make sure your salad dressing contains, like, one or fewer carbohydrates, okay?

There are a lot of salad dressings available right now that are essentially carb-free, but there are also a lot of salad dressings that are simply high in sugar, which may be a secret issue.

Why would we want to eat so much salad? Being low in carbohydrates is the main goal of keto, but it doesn’t stress the need for additional nutrients; instead, we always advise the healthy form of ketosis.

Therefore, we’re improving nutrition in addition to lowering insulin so that you can ultimately be healthy. There are many advantages to cutting back on carbohydrates, but there are also many advantages to eating foods high in nutrients.

The salad contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C in addition to other vitamins like vitamin K1 and folic acid, as well as a lot of phytonutrients—those substances that are far more beneficial than just regular vitamins and minerals and trace minerals. ketosis.

However, eating this much salad while following a ketogenic diet will provide you with these nutrients, which will help you avoid calves cramping.

In addition to helping prevent keto tiredness and the keto flu, it can also assist improve insulin resistance, which will further reduce insulin levels and provide you with energy.

As an extra piece of advice, we always advise making your salad first. You won’t overindulge in protein if you finish your salad first. I’ve seen that many people find it difficult to eat that much salad after eating their protein.

Do what you can if you’re struggling to eat that much salad. You can also improve your situation by using a high-quality electrolyte powder. Nevertheless, I will state that it is the best electrolyte available, so the first piece of advice is to eat the salad first.


There are a few useful facts concerning protein that you should be aware of. Initially, you might wish to start with a protein that is about the size of your palm.

If you are younger or larger, you should consume more, and if you are older and have a slower metabolism, you should consume slightly less. Your ketosis may also be slowed down if you consume too much protein because it will make you feel lethargic.

The same is true for inadequate protein intake; it might make you feel overly exhausted.
Since your body requires a specific quantity of protein, the secret to protein is to avoid low-fat protein and instead go for a protein that has the highest fat content.

Since fat typically goes hand in hand with protein, if you’re going to make a hamburger, make sure it’s the fattest one.

Choose salmon or even sardines if you’re going to eat fish instead of the leanest ones because they’re higher in fat and will be far superior to lean protein.

If you’re going to cook chicken, make sure to include the sections with the skin and fat, not simply the skinless breasts. Now, what’s that?

Because eating lean protein causes your insulin to be slightly more stimulated than eating fattier protein Whey protein actually has a very high level of insulin stimulation since it contains very little fat.

I would advise against consuming this kind of protein, but the idea is to try to find protein that has a higher fat content.

TIP #3 – FAT

It is crucial to increase the quantity of fat at each meal if you are new to the ketogenic diet. Therefore, eating more nuts might be the answer.

You can also use other kinds of nuts, such as pecans. Although you can consume avocados, macadamia nuts, olives, and more olive oil in your salad, as well as MCT oil, but the question is,

if you’re eating all this fat is that going to slow down weight loss? And the answer is yes, as the primary objective of the ketogenic plan is to achieve this, which is crucial, rather than immediately focussing on weight loss.

Therefore, if you have already checked out, please return immediately and pay close attention to the following: engaging in healthy keto intermittent fasting is crucial.

There is a scale that goes from zero to about seven if you check your blood ketones. It can go a little higher, but if you only follow the ketogenic diet without intermittent fasting, there is a scale that is basically correct.

It’s likely that you won’t get above one, two, or possibly three. Well, so your level of ketones: the higher the number, the more you will be in ketosis, and the lower the number, the less you will be burning fat.

You would need to include a minute of fasting and possibly even some exercise if you wanted to reach your numbers in the fours, fives, or even sixs.

However, we are not going to discuss exercise at this time; instead, we will discuss intermittent fasting. Therefore, if you want to lose belly fat quickly, the combination of immune fasting and low-carbohydrate fasting is very effective.

To make this happen easily, we don’t want you to have cravings or an appetite, so the first plan of action is to increase the fat content of your meals.

You can start your in-minute fasting pattern by going longer without eating. The first step is to avoid eating breakfast so that you can go as long as possible before eating your first meal at around 12B and your second at six.

Over time, you’ll cram these two meals closer and closer together, and for some people, you’ll just stop eating lunch altogether and only eat dinner, which is known as OMAD.

After consuming this fat at the meal, you will feel really full and won’t have any hunger for two to three days.

Your body will begin burning your own fat, which is a novel idea for many individuals, and you will decrease your hunger as a result of being able to fast for longer periods of time and becoming more in ketosis.

But the next point is this. Many people make the mistake of following the advice to avoid eating when they are not hungry because they are following this robotic pattern.

They are taught how many meals they should eat each day and they are following low-carb diets, but they are not losing weight and they are eating when they are not even hungry. Big mistake: don’t eat if you’re not hungry.

What’s the point of ruining your fat burning?

At last, you reduced your carbs. Because eating causes insulin to be released, which prevents ketosis, your body is using your fat to eliminate the fat on your liver and midsection.

Your appetite is gone because you are eating when you are not eating, and then you eat a meal. Since eating causes insulin to be released, you will experience hunger again later.

We observe intermittent fasting for this reason, which also explains the significance of this rule.
Therefore, the next time you start reducing your fat, these MCT oil the extra nuts, as soon as you’ve reached this adaption where you’re burning your own fat and your hunger disappears.

Why would we wish to take this action? Because if you have a slow metabolism, this is especially true. The body will seek out and burn the dietary fat before burning your own fat if it needs to choose between the two.

In order to prevent you from going overboard with fat while following this strategy, we are attempting to help you burn off your own belly fat.

You want to gain weight in the early stages of ketosis, and when you reach your goal at the end of the cycle, we want to gain weight as well.

However, this should not happen in the middle of the program, when you’re just burning fat and your appetite has gone away, you’re not craving, and everything is going well.

You only want the fat that typically accompanies the protein, so you don’t need to add a lot of it.You don’t want to go low-fat, but unless you have a great metabolism, don’t start consuming too much more fat.


In order to avoid nutritional shortages, it is crucial to incorporate all necessary nutrients into your intermittent fasting and ketosis regimens.

Since you won’t be eating three meals and snacks, it will be a little harder to acquire your nutrients if you only eat one or two meals.

Additionally, since you’re in ketosis, you’ll be burning up other nutrients. You will want more B vitamins since your body will need more of some nutrients than it did previously. additional electrolytes Nutritional yeast is a good source of the B vitamins.

You can fulfil any kind of dietary requirement. Sea salt is crucial, electrolytes are crucial, and the B vitamins are crucial—just make sure it’s not enriched with artificial vitamins. In the event that you do not consume additional sea salt, you will have weakness.

Remember that and begin increasing your intake of sea salt. The requirement for electrolytes will be lessened if you eat a huge salad with that meal because you will also be consuming potassium, magnesium, and other minerals.


Our goal is to transform this into a way of life. This is supposed to be fun. You’ll feel better since your mood will improve, your energy levels will increase, your cognitive function will improve,

and your belly will get smaller. Although many individuals miss these types of pleasure foods, you will feel better.

Low-carb chocolate
keto desserts

Following a meal, some people like to have a low-carb chocolate, which is something you might want to do as well. Lilies chocolate is one option; there are numerous more chocolate products with minimal carbohydrate content that you can eat.

and, in fact, it’s very enjoyable. It’s also very, very nice to prepare some very cool keto desserts and have one at the end of the meal. You can do this not every meal, but perhaps a couple times a week.

At this stage, you will see some significant benefits if you follow these five basic steps, but I want to share two more things with you.


Don’t alter anything if it’s working. A lot of people follow through and achieve fantastic outcomes, but then they make a shift.

Why did you make a change?

Just keep going; it was working.

On the other hand, if something isn’t working, you need to make a change. Last but certainly not least is the idea that you don’t lose weight to become healthy; rather, you must become healthy in order to lose weight.

The idea is that you must first become healthy before you can lose weight, and that’s what we’re attempting to emphasise with the healthy version of ketosis.



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